Rethinking Writing Instruction

Speaking in Houston TX, attending CCCC in Kansas City

Next Feb 16 (2018) I’m the keynoter at a one-day conference on writing sponsored by Houston’s Community College system. It’s a Friday and it happens at the West Loop Campus. The program begins at 8 am and I will talk at 9 am and 10 am. The event is open to the public and all who teach writing should come!  More on this later.

The following month, roughly March 15-18, Readable Writing Press will have a booth at the annual Conference on College Composition and Communication in Kansas City, Missouri.  Contact me via email (using the contact form) for details on how to attend. It’s the world’s largest professional organization focused on teaching composition in college. If you are going to the CCCC, come by the booth, say hello, and talk about the tough and honorable vocation of teaching college students to write.


  1. Hello Mr. John Macguire,

    I teach at Houston Community College. I wanted to attend today’s symposium at HCC West Loop. However, I am teaching a Friday 1302 class from 8 – 12 noon. However, I did pick up a pamphlet of the morning agenda. I am also a PhD student in Rhetoric Composition Pedagogy at the University of Texas and I am working on my prospectus…which is the reading and writing intersection. I will not be at the 4 C’s this March. I am wondering if you would be so kind as to share some of the “Ideas and Activities used in the Readability Course” that you spoke of during your 9:45 – 10:45 presentation. Thank you and I look forward to your reply.

    Rafael Perez

  2. Rafael, there was a 7-page handout supplied at the talk, and some were left over, so you may be able to get them from Prof Kathy Najafi or Dean Strauss. I would love to make contact with the Pedagogy program you are part of. Send an email to I’m in Houston until early afternoon Saturday.

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Readable Writing Press
John G. Maguire
28 Sprague Ave
Chelmsford,MA 01824
